1 âge
âge [αʒ]1. masculine nouna. age• quel âge avez-vous ? how old are you?• amusez-vous, c'est de votre âge enjoy yourself, you're young• c'est l'âge bête or ingrat it's an awkward ageb. ( = ère) age• l'âge de la pierre/du bronze the Stone/Bronze Age2. compounds* * *ɑʒnom masculin1) ( nombre d'années) ageparaître plus/moins que son âge — to look older/younger than one's years
âge avancé, grand âge — great age
avoir l'âge or être en âge de faire — to be old enough to do
il est mort à 95 ans, c'est un bel âge — he died at 95, a fine old age
30 ans, c'est le bel âge — 30 is a good age
2) ( vieillesse) (old) age3) ( période de la vie) ageà tout âge, à tous les âges — at any age
être encore/ne plus être en âge de faire — to be still young enough/to be too old to do
va t'amuser, c'est de ton âge! — go and have fun, you're young!
4) ( époque) age•Phrasal Verbs:- âge d'or* * *aʒeə abr nfassemblée générale extraordinaire* * *1 ( nombre d'années) age; quel âge a-t-il? how old is he?; ils sont du même âge they are the same age; il est mort à l'âge de 25 ans he died at the age of 25; depuis l'âge de 12 ans from the age of 12; faire or paraître son âge to look one's age; paraître plus/moins que son âge to look older/younger than one's years; bien porter son âge to be good for one's age; être sans âge, ne pas avoir d'âge to be ageless; un homme d'un certain âge a middle-aged man; une personne d'un âge avancé or d'un grand âge an elderly person; âge avancé, grand âge great age; avoir l'âge or être en âge de faire to be old enough to do, to be of an age to do; il est mort à 95 ans, c'est un bel âge he died at 95, a fine old age ; 30 ans, c'est le bel âge 30 is a good age; en âge de se marier of marriageable age; ⇒ artère;2 ( vieillesse) (old) age; le respect dû à l'âge the respect due to age; s'assagir avec l'âge to calm down as one gets older; être vieux avant l'âge to be old before one's time; prendre de l'âge to grow old; le doyen d'âge the most senior person;3 ( période de la vie) age; à tout âge, à tous les âges at any age; être entre deux âges to be middle-aged; être à un âge critique to be at a critical age; être à l'âge critique ( ménopause) to be at the change of life; avoir passé l'âge de faire to be past the age when one does, to be past the age for doing; être encore/ne plus être en âge de faire to be still young enough/to be too old to do, to be still/no longer of an age to do; ce n'est plus de mon âge de faire I'm too old to do; qch n'est plus de mon âge I'm too old for sth; va t'amuser, c'est de ton âge! go and have fun, you're young!;4 ( époque) Géol age; Hist age, era; à travers les âges through the ages; tradition qui nous vient du fond des âges tradition which has come down to us through the ages; idées d'un autre âge ideas from another age.l'âge adulte adulthood; l'âge bête the awkward ou difficult age; l'âge du bronze the Bronze age; l'âge critique the change of life; l'âge du fer the Iron age; l'âge d'homme manhood; l'âge ingrat the awkward ou difficult age; âge légal legal age; âge mental mental age; l'âge mûr maturity; d'âge mûr mature; l'âge d'or the golden age; l'âge de la pierre the Stone age; l'âge de la pierre polie the neolithic age; l'âge de la pierre taillée the palaeolithic age; l'âge de raison the age of reason; l'âge de la retraite retirement age; l'âge scolaire school age; l'âge tendre youth; l'âge viril manhood.[aʒ] nom masculin1. [nombre d'années] ageêtre du même âge que to be the same age ou as old asà ton âge, on ne pleure plus you're old enough not to cry nowun garçon/une fille de ton âge ne doit pas... a boy/a girl (of) your age shouldn't...d'un âge avancé getting on ou advanced in yearsà cause de son jeune/grand âge because he's so young/oldavoir l'âge (de faire quelque chose): il veut se marier, c'est normal, il a l'âge he wants to get married, it's normal at his agea. [tu es trop jeune] you're not old enough!b. [tu es trop vieux] you're too old (for it)!tu es d'âge à ou en âge de comprendre you're old enough to understandje ne suis plus d'âge à ou en âge de faire du camping I'm too old to go campingavec l'âge, il s'est calmé he mellowed with age ou as he grew olderprendre de l'âge to age, to get olderelle ne fait ou ne paraît pas son âge she doesn't look her age, she looks younger than she actually isavoir l'âge légal (pour voter) to be old enough to vote, to be of ageun enfant d'âge scolaire a school-age child, a child of school agela quarantaine, c'est l'âge des grandes décisions forty is the time (of life) for making big decisionsa. [généralement] adulthoodb. [d'un homme] manhoodc. [d'une femme] womanhoodne te plains pas, c'est le bel âge! don't complain, these are the best years of your life ou you're in your prime!a. [période] old ageb. [groupe social] senior citizensa. [période] advanced old ageb. [groupe social] very old people3. ARCHÉOLOGIE age4. PSYCHOLOGIE————————à l'âge de locution prépositionnellea. [j'avais 17 ans] I met him when I was 17b. [il avait 17 ans] I met him when he was 17en bas âge locution adjectivale[enfant] very young ou smallentre deux âges locution adjectivale[personne] middle-aged -
2 âgé
âge [αʒ]1. masculine nouna. age• quel âge avez-vous ? how old are you?• amusez-vous, c'est de votre âge enjoy yourself, you're young• c'est l'âge bête or ingrat it's an awkward ageb. ( = ère) age• l'âge de la pierre/du bronze the Stone/Bronze Age2. compounds* * *ɑʒnom masculin1) ( nombre d'années) ageparaître plus/moins que son âge — to look older/younger than one's years
âge avancé, grand âge — great age
avoir l'âge or être en âge de faire — to be old enough to do
il est mort à 95 ans, c'est un bel âge — he died at 95, a fine old age
30 ans, c'est le bel âge — 30 is a good age
2) ( vieillesse) (old) age3) ( période de la vie) ageà tout âge, à tous les âges — at any age
être encore/ne plus être en âge de faire — to be still young enough/to be too old to do
va t'amuser, c'est de ton âge! — go and have fun, you're young!
4) ( époque) age•Phrasal Verbs:- âge d'or* * *aʒeə abr nfassemblée générale extraordinaire* * *1 ( nombre d'années) age; quel âge a-t-il? how old is he?; ils sont du même âge they are the same age; il est mort à l'âge de 25 ans he died at the age of 25; depuis l'âge de 12 ans from the age of 12; faire or paraître son âge to look one's age; paraître plus/moins que son âge to look older/younger than one's years; bien porter son âge to be good for one's age; être sans âge, ne pas avoir d'âge to be ageless; un homme d'un certain âge a middle-aged man; une personne d'un âge avancé or d'un grand âge an elderly person; âge avancé, grand âge great age; avoir l'âge or être en âge de faire to be old enough to do, to be of an age to do; il est mort à 95 ans, c'est un bel âge he died at 95, a fine old age ; 30 ans, c'est le bel âge 30 is a good age; en âge de se marier of marriageable age; ⇒ artère;2 ( vieillesse) (old) age; le respect dû à l'âge the respect due to age; s'assagir avec l'âge to calm down as one gets older; être vieux avant l'âge to be old before one's time; prendre de l'âge to grow old; le doyen d'âge the most senior person;3 ( période de la vie) age; à tout âge, à tous les âges at any age; être entre deux âges to be middle-aged; être à un âge critique to be at a critical age; être à l'âge critique ( ménopause) to be at the change of life; avoir passé l'âge de faire to be past the age when one does, to be past the age for doing; être encore/ne plus être en âge de faire to be still young enough/to be too old to do, to be still/no longer of an age to do; ce n'est plus de mon âge de faire I'm too old to do; qch n'est plus de mon âge I'm too old for sth; va t'amuser, c'est de ton âge! go and have fun, you're young!;4 ( époque) Géol age; Hist age, era; à travers les âges through the ages; tradition qui nous vient du fond des âges tradition which has come down to us through the ages; idées d'un autre âge ideas from another age.l'âge adulte adulthood; l'âge bête the awkward ou difficult age; l'âge du bronze the Bronze age; l'âge critique the change of life; l'âge du fer the Iron age; l'âge d'homme manhood; l'âge ingrat the awkward ou difficult age; âge légal legal age; âge mental mental age; l'âge mûr maturity; d'âge mûr mature; l'âge d'or the golden age; l'âge de la pierre the Stone age; l'âge de la pierre polie the neolithic age; l'âge de la pierre taillée the palaeolithic age; l'âge de raison the age of reason; l'âge de la retraite retirement age; l'âge scolaire school age; l'âge tendre youth; l'âge viril manhood.1. [vieux] old2. [de tel âge] -
âge [αʒ]1. masculine nouna. age• quel âge avez-vous ? how old are you?• amusez-vous, c'est de votre âge enjoy yourself, you're young• c'est l'âge bête or ingrat it's an awkward ageb. ( = ère) age• l'âge de la pierre/du bronze the Stone/Bronze Age2. compounds* * *ɑʒnom masculin1) ( nombre d'années) ageparaître plus/moins que son âge — to look older/younger than one's years
âge avancé, grand âge — great age
avoir l'âge or être en âge de faire — to be old enough to do
il est mort à 95 ans, c'est un bel âge — he died at 95, a fine old age
30 ans, c'est le bel âge — 30 is a good age
2) ( vieillesse) (old) age3) ( période de la vie) ageà tout âge, à tous les âges — at any age
être encore/ne plus être en âge de faire — to be still young enough/to be too old to do
va t'amuser, c'est de ton âge! — go and have fun, you're young!
4) ( époque) age•Phrasal Verbs:- âge d'or* * *aʒeə abr nfassemblée générale extraordinaire* * *1 ( nombre d'années) age; quel âge a-t-il? how old is he?; ils sont du même âge they are the same age; il est mort à l'âge de 25 ans he died at the age of 25; depuis l'âge de 12 ans from the age of 12; faire or paraître son âge to look one's age; paraître plus/moins que son âge to look older/younger than one's years; bien porter son âge to be good for one's age; être sans âge, ne pas avoir d'âge to be ageless; un homme d'un certain âge a middle-aged man; une personne d'un âge avancé or d'un grand âge an elderly person; âge avancé, grand âge great age; avoir l'âge or être en âge de faire to be old enough to do, to be of an age to do; il est mort à 95 ans, c'est un bel âge he died at 95, a fine old age ; 30 ans, c'est le bel âge 30 is a good age; en âge de se marier of marriageable age; ⇒ artère;2 ( vieillesse) (old) age; le respect dû à l'âge the respect due to age; s'assagir avec l'âge to calm down as one gets older; être vieux avant l'âge to be old before one's time; prendre de l'âge to grow old; le doyen d'âge the most senior person;3 ( période de la vie) age; à tout âge, à tous les âges at any age; être entre deux âges to be middle-aged; être à un âge critique to be at a critical age; être à l'âge critique ( ménopause) to be at the change of life; avoir passé l'âge de faire to be past the age when one does, to be past the age for doing; être encore/ne plus être en âge de faire to be still young enough/to be too old to do, to be still/no longer of an age to do; ce n'est plus de mon âge de faire I'm too old to do; qch n'est plus de mon âge I'm too old for sth; va t'amuser, c'est de ton âge! go and have fun, you're young!;4 ( époque) Géol age; Hist age, era; à travers les âges through the ages; tradition qui nous vient du fond des âges tradition which has come down to us through the ages; idées d'un autre âge ideas from another age.l'âge adulte adulthood; l'âge bête the awkward ou difficult age; l'âge du bronze the Bronze age; l'âge critique the change of life; l'âge du fer the Iron age; l'âge d'homme manhood; l'âge ingrat the awkward ou difficult age; âge légal legal age; âge mental mental age; l'âge mûr maturity; d'âge mûr mature; l'âge d'or the golden age; l'âge de la pierre the Stone age; l'âge de la pierre polie the neolithic age; l'âge de la pierre taillée the palaeolithic age; l'âge de raison the age of reason; l'âge de la retraite retirement age; l'âge scolaire school age; l'âge tendre youth; l'âge viril manhood. -
4 mayor
adj.1 bigger.2 grown-up (adulto).cuando sea mayor when I grow upser mayor de edad to be an adult3 older (no joven).una mujer mayor an older womanser muy mayor to be very old4 main (principal) (plaza, calle, palo).5 major, main, chief, leading.f. & m.1 major (military).2 head.* * *► adjetivo3 (de edad) mature, elderly4 (adulto) grown-up■ ya eres mayor, así que defiéndete tú solo you are old enough to stand up for yourself now5 (principal) main6 MÚSICA major1 MILITAR major1 (adultos) grown-ups, adults; (antepasados) ancestors► nombre masculino,nombre femenino el/la mayor1 (entre varios) the oldest; (entre hermanos, hijos) the eldest, the oldest\al por mayor wholesalehacerse mayor to grow upno ir/pasar a mayores not to come to anything, not to be anything seriousser mayor de edad to be of agecalle mayor high street, US main street* * *1. noun mf. 2. adj.1) main, major2) bigger, biggest3) larger, largest4) greater, greatest5) elder, oldest•* * *1. ADJ1) [comparativo]a) (=más grande)necesitamos una habitación mayor — we need a bigger o larger room
un mayor número de visitantes — a larger o greater number of visitors, more visitors
son temas de mayor importancia — they are more important issues, they are issues of greater importance
la mayor parte de los ciudadanos — most citizens•
ser mayor que algo, mi casa es mayor que la suya — my house is bigger o larger than hisb) (=de más edad) olderes mi hermana mayor — she's my older o elder sister
mayor que algn — older than sbvivió con un hombre muchos años mayor que ella — she lived with a man many years her senior, she lived with a man who was several years older than her
2) [superlativo]a) (=más grande)esta es la mayor iglesia del mundo — this is the biggest o largest church in the world
su mayor problema — his biggest o greatest problem
su mayor enemigo — his biggest o greatest enemy
viven en la mayor miseria — they live in the greatest o utmost poverty
hacer algo con el mayor cuidado — to do sth with the greatest o utmost care
b) (=de más edad) oldestmi hijo (el) mayor — my oldest o eldest son
3) (=principal) [plaza, mástil] main; [altar, misa] highcolegio 1), libro 2)calle mayor — high street, main street (EEUU)
4) (=adulto) grown-up, adultlas personas mayores — grown-ups, adults
hacerse mayor — to grow up5) (=de edad avanzada) old, elderly6) (=jefe) head antes de s7) (Mús) major2. SMF1) (=adulto) grown-up, adultlos mayores se fueron a una fiesta — the grown-ups o adults went to a party
mayor de edad — adult, person who is legally of age
2) (=anciano)¡más respeto con los mayores! — be more respectful to your elders (and betters)!
3) LAm (Mil) major3.SM•
al por mayor — wholesalerepartir golpes al por mayor — to throw punches left, right and centre
* * *I1)a) ( comparativo de grande)un número mayor que 40 — a number bigger o greater than 40
b) ( superlativo de grande)tienen el mayor número de accidentes — they have the greatest o highest number of accidents
su mayor preocupación — her greatest o biggest worry
a la mayor brevedad posible — (Corresp) as soon as possible o (frml) at your earliest convenience
la mayor parte de los estudiantes — most students, the majority of students
2) ( en edad)a) ( comparativo) older¿tienes hermanos mayores? — do you have any older o elder brothers or sisters?
b) ( superlativo)es la mayor de las dos — she is the older o elder of the two
mi hijo mayor — my eldest o oldest son
c) ( anciano) elderlyd) ( adulto)hay que respetar a las personas mayores — you should treat adults o (colloq) grown-ups with respect
ser mayor de edad — (Der) to be of age
soy mayor de edad y haré lo que quiera — I'm over 18 (o 21 etc) and I'll do as I please
sin mayores contratiempos — without any serious o major hitches
no pasar or llegar a mayores: tuvo un novio, pero el asunto no pasó a mayores she had a boyfriend, but it didn't come to anything; afortunadamente la cosa no llegó a mayores — fortunately it was nothing serious
4) ( en nombres) ( principal) mainCalle Mayor — Main Street ( in US), High Street ( in UK)
5) (Mús) major6) (Com)IImasculino y femenino1) ( adulto) adult, grown-up (colloq)mis/tus mayores — my/your elders
2) mayor masculino (AmL) (Mil) major* * *I1)a) ( comparativo de grande)un número mayor que 40 — a number bigger o greater than 40
b) ( superlativo de grande)tienen el mayor número de accidentes — they have the greatest o highest number of accidents
su mayor preocupación — her greatest o biggest worry
a la mayor brevedad posible — (Corresp) as soon as possible o (frml) at your earliest convenience
la mayor parte de los estudiantes — most students, the majority of students
2) ( en edad)a) ( comparativo) older¿tienes hermanos mayores? — do you have any older o elder brothers or sisters?
b) ( superlativo)es la mayor de las dos — she is the older o elder of the two
mi hijo mayor — my eldest o oldest son
c) ( anciano) elderlyd) ( adulto)hay que respetar a las personas mayores — you should treat adults o (colloq) grown-ups with respect
ser mayor de edad — (Der) to be of age
soy mayor de edad y haré lo que quiera — I'm over 18 (o 21 etc) and I'll do as I please
sin mayores contratiempos — without any serious o major hitches
no pasar or llegar a mayores: tuvo un novio, pero el asunto no pasó a mayores she had a boyfriend, but it didn't come to anything; afortunadamente la cosa no llegó a mayores — fortunately it was nothing serious
4) ( en nombres) ( principal) mainCalle Mayor — Main Street ( in US), High Street ( in UK)
5) (Mús) major6) (Com)IImasculino y femenino1) ( adulto) adult, grown-up (colloq)mis/tus mayores — my/your elders
2) mayor masculino (AmL) (Mil) major* * *mayor11 = senior, elderly, eldest.Nota: Referido a edad.Ex: If we instruct it to ponder this question more leisurely, it will quickly try the user's patience with digressions concerning the less illustrious senior MOZART, LEOPOLD.
Ex: To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.Ex: When her eldest son developed a glaucoma she became aware of the lack of suitable books.* apto para mayores de 13 años o menores acompañados = PG-13.* asistencia social para los mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].* centro de día para mayores = day centre for the elderly.* cuidado de los mayores = kinkeeping.* cuidados de los mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].* cuidados para personas mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].* familiar que cuida de los mayores = kinkeeper.* gente mayor = elderly people.* hombre mayor = elderly man.* mayor de 25 años = mature adult.* mayores, los = elderly, the.* muy mayor = over the hill.* pesonas mayores = elderly people.* ser mayor = be older.mayor22 = largest, greater, heightened, increased.Ex: Together they constitute the world's largest data base.
Ex: The likelihood of data transmission errors is greater, however, and it is not recommended for constant use.Ex: The heightened level of community awareness has led some local authorities to take the initiative and to become information disseminators in their own right.Ex: Information networks are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information which will facilitate the increased quality and quantity of agricultural production.* admitir un número de reservas mayor a las plazas existentes = overbook.* alcanzar mayores cotas = rise to + greater heights.* al por mayor = in bulk.* cada vez en mayor grado = ever-increasing.* cada vez mayor = escalating, ever-growing, ever-increasing, expanded, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, spiralling [spiraling, -USA], deepening, rapidly growing, expanding, constantly rising, swelling, ever larger [ever-larger], galloping, steadily rising, steadily growing, mushrooming, ever greater, rapidly expanding, ever-widening, burgeoning, heightening.* cada vez mucho mayor = fast-increasing, exploding.* calle mayor, la = main street, the.* causa de fuerza mayor = act of God.* colegio mayor = residence hall, dormitory [dorm, -abbr.], student residence.* comprar al por mayor = buy + in bulk.* con el mayor cuidado = with utmost care.* con el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.* con mayor detalle = in greater detail.* con mayor profundidad = in most detail, in more detail.* con un mayor nivel educativo = better educated [better-educated].* dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.* demasiado mayor en relación con Algo = overage.* demasiado mayor para su curso = overage for grade.* de mayor edad = senior.* de mayor o menor importancia = great and small.* desajuste cada vez mayor entre... y = widening of the gap beween.... and, widening gap between... and.* descuento por compra al por mayor = bulk deal, bulk rate, bulk rate discount.* diferencia cada vez mayor entre... y = widening of the gap beween.... and, widening gap between... and.* distanciamiento cada vez mayor entre... y, = widening gap between... and, widening of the gap beween.... and.* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.* en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.* en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.* en la mayor parte de = in the majority of.* en mayor grado = to a greater degree, a fortiori, to a greater extent, to a larger degree, to a larger extent.* en mayor medida = to a greater extent, to a greater degree, a fortiori, to a larger degree, to a larger extent.* en mayor o menor grado = to a greater or lesser degree.* en mayor o menor medida = to a greater or lesser extent.* en su mayor parte = largely, mostly, for the most part.* en un número cada vez mayor = in increasing numbers.* fuerza mayor = force majeure.* hora de mayor demanda = peak time.* importancia cada vez mayor = growing importance, growing significance.* interés cada vez mayor = growing interest.* jefe del estado mayor = Chief of Staff.* la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.* la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.* la proporción mayor de = the lion's share of.* libro de mayor venta = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].* material de tamaño mayor de lo normal = outsize material.* mayor + Nombre = longer + Nombre.* mayor rendimiento = efficiencies of scale.* mucho mayor = far greater, far larger, very much greater.* obtener el mayor rendimiento posible = maximise + opportunities.* para mayor información sobre = for details of.* para mayor información véase + Nombre = see + Nombre + for further details.* para mayor inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.* período de mayor demanda = peak time.* precio al por mayor = block rate, wholesale price, bulk rate.* precio especial por compra al por mayor = bulk deal.* preocupación cada vez mayor (por) = growing concern (about).* problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.* problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.* programación televisiva de mayor audiencia = prime time television.* programa de mayor audiencia = prime time programme, prime time show.* sacar el mayor partido al dinero de uno = get + the most for + Posesivo + money.* sacar mayor partido a = squeeze + more life out of.* sacar mayor provecho = stretch + further.* separación cada vez mayor entre... y = widening gap between... and.* ser el que con mayor frecuencia = be (the) most likely to.* símbolo de mayor-que (>) = greater-than sign (>), greater-than symbol (>), right angled bracket (>).* suministro al por mayor = bulk supply.* tonto de marca mayor = prize idiot.* una mayor variedad de = a wider canvas of.* una necesidad cada vez mayor = a growing need.* un conjunto cada vez mayor de = a growing body of.* un grupo cada vez mayor de = a growing body of.* un número cada vez mayor = growing numbers.* un número cada vez mayor de = a growing number of, a growing body of.* vender al por mayor = sell + in bulk, wholesale.* venta al por mayor = wholesaling, wholesale.* * *Apueden volar a mayor altura they can fly at a greater heightestas tablas le dan mayor amplitud a la falda these pleats make the skirt fullerun material de mayor flexibilidad a more flexible materialen otros países el índice de mortalidad infantil es aún mayor in other countries the infant mortality rate is even higheresto podría reportar beneficios aún mayores this could bring even greater benefitsmayor QUE algo:una superficie cuatro veces mayor que la de nuestro país a surface area four times greater than that of our countrycualquier número mayor que 40 any number above 40 o greater than 40 o higher than 40X > Z ( Mat) (read as: equis es mayor que zeta) X > Z (léase: x is greater than z)el mayor país de América Latina the biggest country in Latin Americael mayor número de accidentes de Europa the greatest o highest number of accidents in Europeésa ha sido siempre su mayor preocupación that has always been her greatest worryle ruego lo envíe a la mayor brevedad posible ( Corresp) please send it as soon as possible o ( frml) at your earliest conveniencela mayor parte de los argentinos most Argentinians, the majority of Argentinians1 (comparativo) older¿tienes hermanos mayores? do you have any older o elder brothers or sisters?mayor QUE algn older THAN sbsoy dos meses mayor que tú I am two months older than you2(superlativo): ¿quién de los dos es el mayor? who is the older o elder of the two?éste es mi hijo mayor this is my eldest o oldest sonel mayor de todos los residentes the oldest of all the residents3 (viejo) elderlyya es muy mayor y no puede valerse sola she's very old o ( colloq) she's getting on and she can't manage on her own4(adulto): no se les habla así a las personas mayores you shouldn't talk to adults o grown-ups like thatcuando sea mayor quiero ser bombero when I grow up I want to be a firemanvamos, que ya eres mayorcito para estar haciendo esas cosas come on, you're a bit old to be doing things like thatcuando sea mayor de edad ( Der) when he reaches the age of majoritysoy mayor de edad y haré lo que quiera I'm over 18 ( o 21 etc) and I'll do as I pleaseC ( en frases negativas)(grande): no creo que esto requiera mayores explicaciones I don't think this needs much in the way of explanationno tengo mayor interés en el tema I'm not particularly interested in o I don't have any great interest in the subjectla noticia no me produjo mayor inquietud the news did not worry me particularly o undulyse llevó a cabo sin mayores contratiempos it was carried out without any serious o major hitchesno pasar or llegar a mayores: tuvo un pretendiente, pero la cosa no pasó a mayores she had a boyfriend, but it didn't come to anything o but nothing came of ithubo una pelea pero no llegó a mayores there was a fight but it was nothing seriousE ( Mús) majorF ( Com):(al) por mayor wholesale[ S ] venta sólo (al) por mayor wholesale onlylos compran (al) por mayor they buy them wholesalehubo problemas (al) por mayor there were innumerable problemsA1(adulto): no te metas en las conversaciones de los mayores don't interrupt when the adults o grown-ups are talkingcada niño debe ir acompañado de un mayor each child must be accompanied by an adultmis/tus mayores my/your eldersCompuesto:masculine and feminine person who is legally of age o who has reached the age of majorityB* * *
mayor adjetivo
1a) ( comparativo de
‹ beneficio› greater;
a mayor escala on a larger scale;
un número mayor que 40 a number greater than 40b) ( superlativo de◊ grande): el mayor número de accidentes the greatest o highest number of accidents;
su mayor preocupación her greatest o biggest worry;
a la mayor brevedad posible as soon as possible;
la mayor parte de los estudiantes most students, the majority of students
2 ( en edad)
mayor que algn older than sbb) ( superlativo):◊ es la mayor de las dos she is the older o elder of the two;
mi hijo mayor my eldest o oldest son
d) ( adulto):
cuando sea mayor when I grow up;
ser mayor de edad (Der) to be of age;
soy mayor de edad y haré lo que quiera I'm over 18 (o 21 etc) and I'll do as I please
3 ( en nombres) ( principal) main;
4 (Mús) major
5 (Com):
■ sustantivo masculino y femenino ( adulto) adult, grown-up (colloq);
mis/tus mayores my/your elders;
mayor de edad person who is legally of age
I adjetivo
1 (comparativo de tamaño) larger, bigger: necesitas una talla mayor, you need a larger size
(superlativo) largest, biggest: ésa es la mayor, that is the biggest one
2 (comparativo de grado) greater: su capacidad es mayor que la mía, his capacity is greater than mine
la ciudad no tiene mayor atractivo, the town isn't particularly appealing
(superlativo) greatest: ésa es la mayor tontería que he oído nunca, that is the most absurd thing I've ever heard
3 (comparativo de edad) older: es mayor que tu madre, she is older than your mother
(superlativo) oldest
el mayor de los tres, the oldest one 4 está muy mayor, (crecido, maduro) he's quite grown-up
(anciano) he looks old
ser mayor de edad, to be of age
(maduro) old: es un hombre mayor, he's an old man
eres mayor para entenderlo, you are old enough to understand it
5 (principal) major, main: tu mayor responsabilidad es su educación, the thing that's most important to you is her education; la calle mayor, the main street
6 Mús major
7 Com al por mayor, wholesale
II sustantivo masculino
1 Mil major 2 mayores, (adultos) grownups, adults
(ancianos) elders
♦ Locuciones: al por mayor, wholesale
ir/pasar a mayores, to become serious: discutió con su marido, pero el asunto no pasó a mayores, she had an argument with her husband but they soon forgot about it
' mayor' also found in these entries:
- adicta
- adicto
- afán
- alcalde
- alcaldía
- almacén
- amable
- brevedad
- burgomaestre
- calle
- caza
- colegio
- confluencia
- desarrollar
- edad
- engrandecer
- escaparate
- estado
- Excemo.
- Excmo.
- fuerza
- gruesa
- grueso
- hacer
- hacerse
- inri
- obra
- osa
- palo
- persona
- plana
- polemizar
- predilección
- re
- safari
- salir
- sol
- teniente
- vender
- venta
- abuelo
- ama
- anhelo
- atractivo
- audiencia
- cazar
- ciudad
- compás
- de
- address
- adult
- big
- bomb
- bulk
- capacity
- cash-and-carry
- claw back
- densely
- dipper
- dormitory
- elaborate
- elder
- eldest
- few
- frisky
- grow up
- growing
- high street
- hill
- inquest
- lion
- little
- main
- major
- mayor
- mostly
- much
- nominee
- often
- old
- outflow
- outweigh
- over
- part
- perpendicular
- residence
- senior
- sergeant major
- spur
- staff
- trade price
- utmost
- wholesale
- wholesale trade
- wholesaler
- worship
- abject
- cash
* * *♦ adj1. [comparativo] [en tamaño] bigger ( que than); [en edad] older ( que than); [en importancia] greater ( que than); [en número] higher ( que than);este puente es mayor que el otro this bridge is bigger than the other one;mi hermana mayor my older sister;es ocho años mayor que yo she's eight years older than me;un mayor número de víctimas a higher number of victims;una mayor tasa de inflación a higher rate of inflation;en mayor o menor grado to a greater or lesser extent;no creo que tenga mayor interés I don't think it's particularly interesting;no te preocupes, no tiene mayor importancia don't worry, it's not (all) that important;subsidios para parados mayores de cuarenta y cinco años benefits for unemployed people (of) over forty-five;la mayor parte de most of, the majority of;la mayor parte de los británicos piensa que… most British people o the majority of British people think that…;Matmayor que greater than2. [superlativo][en edad] the oldest…; [en importancia] the greatest…; [en número] the highest…;el/la mayor… [en tamaño] the biggest…;la mayor de las islas the biggest island, the biggest of the islands;la mayor crisis que se recuerda the biggest crisis in living memory;el mayor de todos nosotros/de la clase the oldest of all of us/in the class;el mayor de los dos hermanos the older of the two brothers;vive en la mayor de las pobrezas he lives in the most abject poverty3. [más] further, more;para mayor información solicite nuestro catálogo for further o more details, send for our catalogue4. [adulto] grown-up;cuando sea mayor when I grow up;hacerse mayor to grow up;ser mayor de edad to be an adult5. [no joven] older;[anciano] elderly;una mujer ya mayor an older woman;ser muy mayor to be very old;hay que escuchar a las personas mayores you should listen to older people;la gente mayor, las personas mayores [los ancianos] the elderly6. [principal] major, main;la plaza mayor the main square;la calle mayor the main street;el palo mayor the main mast7. Mús major;en do mayor in C majorun almacén de venta al por mayor a wholesaler's♦ nmfel/la mayor [hijo, hermano] the eldest;mayores [adultos] grown-ups;[antepasados] ancestors, forefathers;es una película/revista para mayores it's an adult movie o Br film/magazine;respeta a tus mayores you should respect your elders;♦ nmMil major* * *I adjmayor que greater than, larger than;ser mayor de edad be an adult;ser (muy) mayor be (very) elderly;mayor que older than2 sup:biggest; en importancia the greatest;los mayores the adults;la mayor parte the majority3 MÚS tono, modomajor;4 COM:al por mayor wholesaleII m MIL major:ir opasar a mayores get serious* * *mayor adj3) : grown-up, mature4) : main, major5)mayor de edad : of (legal) age6)al por mayor orpor mayor : wholesalemayor nmf1) : major (in the military)2) : adult* * *mayor1 adj1. (que tiene más edad) older2. (más grande) bigger3. (él de más edad) oldest4. (anciano) old / elderly5. (adulto) grown up6. (principal) mainmayor2 n1. (que tiene más años) oldest¿cuántos años tiene el mayor? how old is the oldest?2. (adulto) grown upde mayor when I grow up / when you grow up etc. -
5 móc
Ⅰ f 1. sgt (siła psychiczna, fizyczna) power- moc moralna/wewnętrzna/duchowa a moral/an inner/a spiritual power- nadzieja dodaje ludziom mocy hope gives people power- z (całą) mocą strongly, wholeheartedly- z całej mocy with all one’s might; with might and main książk.2. sgt (wielka energia, siła) force- moc sztormu/wybuchu the force of the storm/explosion- oślepiająca moc reflektorów the dazzling effect of searchlights3. (zdolność wywierania wpływu) power- lecznicza moc ziół the therapeutic effect a. power of herbs- magiczna moc kamieni the magic power of stones- moc czyjegoś autorytetu the power of sb’s authority- moc opiekuńcza protective power- odczyniać złe moce to repel the powers of evil- przywoływać dobre moce to summon (up) the powers of good- moc sprawcza a prime mover- wiara w moc sprawczą Boga a belief in God’s power- niepokoi mnie rosnąca moc oddziaływania mediów I’m disturbed by the increasing power of the media’s influence4. sgt Prawo legal validity- moc dekretu/dokumentów the legal validity of a decree/documents- ustawa niedługo nabierze mocy the resolution will soon become legally enforceable- wydano dekret z mocą ustawy a decree having the force of law has been issued- moc wsteczna retroaction- pozostawać/utrzymywać się w mocy to be/remain in force5. Przem. capabilities- moce produkcyjne/przerobowe/wydobywcze productive/processing/mining capacity6. sgt (stężenie substancji) strength; (wina) body- moc alkoholu/herbaty/kawy/kwasu the strength of alcohol/tea/coffee/acid7. sgt przen. (wytrzymałość, odporność) strength- moc tkaniny/materiału the strength of fabric/material- dodatki do betonu zwiększają jego moc additives to concrete increase its strength8. sgt Fiz. power- moc elektrowni/reaktora the power of a power plant/a reactor- moc żarówki (light) bulb wattage- silnik o znacznej mocy a powerful engineⅡ pron. książk. a lot, a (whole) host- moc ludzi a lot a. a (whole) host of people- moc pozdrowień/życzeń my best regards/wishes- moc spraw/kłopotów a lot a. a (whole) host of affairs/problems- □ moc prawna Admin. force of law■ być w czyjejś mocy książk. to be in sb’s power- na a. z mocy czegoś książk. on the strength of sth- robić (wszystko), co w czyjejś a. ludzkiej mocy książk. to do everything in one’s power- wszystko/sprawa/decyzja leży w czyjejś mocy książk. everything/the matter/the decision is (with)in sb’s power* * *-y; -e; gen pl; -y; fpower; (argumentu, wybuchu) force, power, ( mnóstwo) plentyzrobić wszystko, co jest w czyjejś mocy — to do everything in one's power
na mocy tego prawa/porozumienia — under this law/agreement
z całej mocy lub z całą mocą — with all one's might
* * *ipf.1. (= być w stanie) can ( coś zrobić do sth); be able ( coś zrobić to do sth); be capable ( coś zrobić of doing sth); nie móc czegoś zrobić be unable to do sth; nie móc przestać o czymś myśleć can't get sth out of one's head; nie móc się komuś/czemuś oprzeć find sb/sth irresistible; jeśli tylko możesz if you possibly can; gdybym tylko mógł if only I could; będzie mógł wam pomóc he will be able to help you; nie możemy sobie na to pozwolić we cannot afford it; szkoda, że nie możesz przyjść it is a pity that you can't come; kto mógł coś takiego zrobić? who could have done a thing like that?; staram się jak mogę I'm doing my best, I'm doing the best I can; nie mogę zaprzeczyć, że... I don't l. can't deny (that)...; nie mogę się z tym nie zgodzić I can't quarrel with that; dziękuję, (ale) już nie mogę ( odmowa poczęstunku) I couldn't; no, thanks, I'm full; mógłby być twoim ojcem he is old enough to be your father; może być albo jeden, albo drugi either will do; tak nie może być! that will never do!; może być? is it OK?; chcieć to móc where there's a will there's a way.2. (= być uprawnionym, mieć pozwolenie) be permitted l. allowed ( coś zrobić to do sth); can ( coś zrobić do sth); czy mogę wyjść wcześniej? may l. can I leave early?; możesz robić, co chcesz you can do whatever you like l. want; możesz iść do domu you can go home, it's OK for you to go home; kiedy będziemy mogli ją zobaczyć? when do we get to see her?3. (nadaje odcień prawdopodobieństwa, możliwości) can, may; czego ona może chcieć? what can she want?; mógł zostać porwany he could have been kidnapped; to nie może być ona it couldn't be her; to mógł być ktoś inny it could have been someone else.4. (w prośbach, ofertach pomocy, wykrzyknieniach) can, may; jeśli mogę if I may; czy mógłbym... is it l. would it be all right if I...; czy mogę z tobą porozmawiać? can I talk to you?; w czym mogę pomóc? (how) can I help you?; mogę prosić o otwarcie okna? would you mind opening the window?; czy mógłbyś to powtórzyć? could you say it again?; czy mogę prosić o sól? could you pass the salt?; czy mogę prosić o uwagę? can l. could I have your attention?; ja nie mogę! pot. ( reakcja na coś irytującego) gimme a break!, give me strength!5. ( wyraz pretensji) can, may; mógłby przynajmniej przeprosić he might at least apologize; mogła przynajmniej zadzwonić she could l. might at least have called; jak mogłeś (mi to zrobić)? how could you (do this to me)?The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > móc
6 (come) of age
(to become) old enough to be considered legally an adult (eg in Britain aged eighteen or over).سِن الرُّشْد القَانُونِي -
7 (come) of age
(to become) old enough to be considered legally an adult (eg in Britain aged eighteen or over).سِن الرُّشْد القَانُونِي -
8 sehen
n; -s, kein Pl. seeing; (Sehkraft) eyesight; ( nur) vom Sehen (only) by sight; ich kenne ihn nur vom Sehen auch I’ve never actually spoken to him; die Leute kommen zum Sehen und Gesehenwerden these people come to see and be seen* * *das Sehen(Sehkraft) eyesight;(Sicht) seeing* * *Se|hennt -s, no plseeing; (= Sehkraft) sight, visionals Fotograf muss man richtiges, bewusstes Séhen lernen — as a photographer one has to learn to see correctly and consciously
ich kenne ihn nur vom Séhen — I only know him by sight
* * *1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) see2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) see3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) see4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) see5) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) see6) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) see* * *Se·hen<-s>[ˈze:ən]nt kein pl seeingjdn nur vom \Sehen kennen to only know sb by sight* * *1.unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) seeschlecht/gut sehen — have bad or poor/good eyesight
mal sehen, wir wollen od. werden sehen — (ugs.) we'll see
siehste! — (ugs.)
siehst du wohl! — there, you see!
lass mal sehen — let me or let's see; let me or let's have a look
siehe oben/unten/Seite 80 — see above/below/page 80
da kann man od. (ugs.) kannste mal sehen,... — that just goes to show...
2) (hinsehen) lookauf etwas (Akk.) sehen — look at something
sieh mal od. doch! — look!
alle Welt sieht auf Washington — (fig.) all eyes are turned on Washington
3) (zeigen, liegen)nach Süden/Norden sehen — face south/north
4) (nachsehen) have a look; see5)nach jemandem sehen — (betreuen) keep an eye on somebody; (besuchen) drop by to see somebody; (nachsehen) look in on somebody
2.nach etwas sehen — (betreuen) keep an eye on something; (nachsehen) take a look at something
unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) (erblicken) seejemanden/etwas [nicht] zu sehen bekommen — [not] get to see somebody/something
von ihm/davon ist nichts zu sehen — he/it is nowhere to be seen
ich habe ihn kommen [ge]sehen — I saw him coming
[überall] gern gesehen sein — be welcome [everywhere]
jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen können — (fig. ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of somebody/something any more
kein Blut sehen können — (ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of blood
2) (ansehen, betrachten) watch <television, performance>; look at <photograph, object>3) (treffen) see4) (sich vorstellen) see5) (feststellen, erkennen) seeich möchte doch einmal sehen, ob er es wagt — I'd just like to see whether he dares [to]
wir sahen, dass wir nicht mehr helfen konnten — we saw that we could not help any more
das wollen wir [doch] erst mal sehen! — we'll 'see about that
man wird sehen [müssen] — we'll [just have to] see
da sieht man es [mal] wieder — it's the same old story
6) (beurteilen) seeso darf man das nicht sehen — you mustn't look at it that way or like that
so gesehen — looked at that way or in that light
3.ich werde sehen, was ich für Sie tun kann — I'll see what I can do for you
1)er kann sich nicht satt sehen — he can't see enough (an + Dat. of)
sich genötigt/veranlasst sehen,... zu... — feel compelled to...
sich in der Lage sehen,... zu... — feel able to...; think one is able to...
* * *sehen; sieht, sah, hat gesehenA. v/i1. see;gut/schlecht sehen have good/bad ( oder poor) eyesight;ich sehe nicht gut I can’t see very well;sie sieht nur auf einem Auge she can only see with one eye, she only has sight in one eye;sie konnte kaum aus den Augen sehen she could hardly keep her eyes open;sehe ich richtig? umg I must be seeing things2. (hinsehen, blicken) look;auf seine Uhr sehen look at one’s watch;er kann mir nicht in die Augen sehen he can’t look me in the eye;sieh nur!, sehen Sie mal! look!;wenn ich recht gesehen habe if I saw right, if my eyes weren’t deceiving me;wie ich sehe, ist er nicht hier I see he’s not here;wie Sie sehen, … as you can see, …;siehe oben/unten (abksb/s. u.) see above/below;3. fig:sehen auf (+akk) (Wert legen auf) set great store by, be (very) particular about;sehen nach (sorgen für) look after;nach den Kindern sehen look after (US take care of) the children;wir müssen mal wieder nach Oma sehen we must look in on grandma again (to see that she’s all right);nach dem Essen sehen see to the dinner;nach dem Braten sehen see how the joint is doing;siehe da! umg lo and behold!;(na,) siehst du! umg there you are; (es ist geschehen, was ich voraussagte) what did I tell you?, see?;ich will sehen, dass ich es dir besorge I’ll see if I can ( oder I’ll try to) get it for you;man muss sehen, wo man bleibt umg you have to look after number one;sieh, dass es erledigt wird see (to it) that it gets done;wir werden (schon) sehen we’ll ( oder we shall) see, let’s wait and see;lassen Sie mich sehen let me see (auch fig)4. (einsehen, erkennen) see, realize;sehen Sie, die Sache war so you see, it was like this;ich sehe schon, dass er keine Ahnung hat I can see that he has no idea;siehst du nun, dass es ein Fehler war? do you see now that it was a mistake?;seht ihr denn nicht, dass …? can’t you see that …?;B. v/tkann ich das mal sehen? can I have a look at that?;ich sehe gerade die Tagesschau I’m watching the news;ich sehe schrecklich gern Tennis/Schnulzen I love watching tennis/schmaltzy films;ich sah ihn fallen I saw ( oder watched) him fall;er sieht einfach alles he doesn’t miss a thing;ich sehe überhaupt nichts I can’t see a thing;ich sehe alles doppelt/verschwommen I’m seeing everything double/everything’s blurred;flüchtig sehen catch a glimpse of;es war/gab nichts zu sehen you couldn’t see a thing/there was nothing to see;gehen Sie weiter, hier gibt es nichts zu sehen keep moving, there’s nothing to see here;niemand war zu sehen there was nobody to be seen ( oder in sight)2.gern sehen like (to see);er sieht es gern, wenn man ihn bedient he likes being waited on;er sieht es nicht gern, wenn sie ausgeht he doesn’t like her going out;das sehe ich gar nicht gern I hate to see that sort of thing;sie kann ihn nicht mehr sehen (leiden) she can’t stand (the sight of) him3. (erleben)er hat bessere Tage gesehen he’s seen better days;das möchte ich (aber) sehen! that’ll be the day!;das werden wir ja sehen we’ll see; skeptisch: auch we’ll see about that;da sieht man es mal wieder umg it all goes to show;hat man so etwas schon gesehen! umg did you ever see anything like it!, well - I never (did) umgich habe es kommen sehen I could see it coming;ich sehe schon kommen, dass er kündigt I can see him handing in his notice5.sich sehen lassen put in an appearance; umg (ankommen, auftauchen) turn up;du hast dich lange nicht sehen lassen you haven’t put in an appearance for a long time;lass dich hier nie mehr sehen! don’t you dare show your face here again;sie kann sich sehen lassen umg she’s very attractive;das kann sich sehen lassen umg that looks quite respectable; weitS., bei Leistung etc: that’s something to be proud of, that’s a feather in your hat6. (treffen) see;einander sehen see each other;wir sehen uns häufig we see quite a lot of each other, we see each other quite often;können wir uns nicht öfter sehen? can’t we get together more often?;wir sehen uns zum ersten Mal we’ve never met before7. fig (beurteilen, einschätzen) see;die Dinge sehen, wie sie sind see things for what they are;ich sehe die Sache anders I see it differently;wie siehst du das? how do you see it?;er sieht es schon richtig he’s got the picture, he’s got it right;du siehst es falsch you’ve got it wrong;wie ich die Sache sehe as I see it;so darf man das nicht sehen you’ve got to look at it differently;das darf man nicht so eng sehen umg you mustn’t take such a narrow view;oder wie seh ich das? umg am I right?;so gesehen (looked at) in that light, from that point of view;rechtlich etcman muss beide Seiten sehen you have to see both aspects;ich sehe in ihm ein … I see him as a …8.* * *1.unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) seeschlecht/gut sehen — have bad or poor/good eyesight
mal sehen, wir wollen od. werden sehen — (ugs.) we'll see
siehste! — (ugs.)
siehst du wohl! — there, you see!
lass mal sehen — let me or let's see; let me or let's have a look
siehe oben/unten/Seite 80 — see above/below/page 80
da kann man od. (ugs.) kannste mal sehen,... — that just goes to show...
2) (hinsehen) lookauf etwas (Akk.) sehen — look at something
sieh mal od. doch! — look!
alle Welt sieht auf Washington — (fig.) all eyes are turned on Washington
3) (zeigen, liegen)nach Süden/Norden sehen — face south/north
4) (nachsehen) have a look; see5)nach jemandem sehen — (betreuen) keep an eye on somebody; (besuchen) drop by to see somebody; (nachsehen) look in on somebody
2.nach etwas sehen — (betreuen) keep an eye on something; (nachsehen) take a look at something
unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) (erblicken) seejemanden/etwas [nicht] zu sehen bekommen — [not] get to see somebody/something
von ihm/davon ist nichts zu sehen — he/it is nowhere to be seen
ich habe ihn kommen [ge]sehen — I saw him coming
[überall] gern gesehen sein — be welcome [everywhere]
jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen können — (fig. ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of somebody/something any more
kein Blut sehen können — (ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of blood
2) (ansehen, betrachten) watch <television, performance>; look at <photograph, object>3) (treffen) see4) (sich vorstellen) see5) (feststellen, erkennen) seeich möchte doch einmal sehen, ob er es wagt — I'd just like to see whether he dares [to]
wir sahen, dass wir nicht mehr helfen konnten — we saw that we could not help any more
das wollen wir [doch] erst mal sehen! — we'll 'see about that
man wird sehen [müssen] — we'll [just have to] see
da sieht man es [mal] wieder — it's the same old story
6) (beurteilen) seeso darf man das nicht sehen — you mustn't look at it that way or like that
so gesehen — looked at that way or in that light
3.ich werde sehen, was ich für Sie tun kann — I'll see what I can do for you
1)er kann sich nicht satt sehen — he can't see enough (an + Dat. of)
sich genötigt/veranlasst sehen,... zu... — feel compelled to...
sich in der Lage sehen,... zu... — feel able to...; think one is able to...
* * *v.(§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen)= to behold v.(§ p.,p.p.: beheld)to look (at) v.to see v.(§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen)to see how the wind blows expr.to spot v.to view v.
См. также в других словарях:
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age — age1 W1S1 [eıdʒ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(how old)¦ 2¦(legal age)¦ 3¦(period of life)¦ 4¦(being old)¦ 5¦(period of history)¦ 6 ages 7 come of age ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: aage, from Vulgar Latin aetaticum … Dictionary of contemporary English
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age — 1 /eIdZ/ noun 1 HOW OLD (C, U) the number of years someone has lived or something has existed: Francis is the same age as me. | The boys were six years apart in age. | There were dozens of kids there, all different ages. | at the age of (=when… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
age — [[t]e͟ɪʤ[/t]] ♦ ages, ageing, aging, aged (The spelling aging is also used, mainly in American English.) 1) N VAR Your age is the number of years that you have lived. She has a nephew who is just ten years of age... At the age of sixteen he… … English dictionary
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